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Jonathan's Fresh 48 | Virtua Voorhees | Lifestyle Newborn Photography

Hi friends!

Welcome to my FIRST blog post! (eeeeek!) This is such uncharted territory for me, but I hope to blog more about my photo shoots so that I can share more images and stories with all of you. It's my first official year in business, and I couldn't be more grateful to you for your support as I embark on this amazing journey.

I had the pleasure of doing a Fresh 48 session for this gorgeous new family of 3: Kevin, Gabriela, and their new baby Jonathan.. A Fresh 48 is documentary-style photography that takes place in the hospital or baby's birth space. This lifestyle shoot uses the natural light available in the hospital room (and luckily the Virtua Voorhees Mother-Baby unit has the most spectacular large windows and natural light just pours in!) to tell a family's story. My main goal with these sessions is to showcase real life during these first precious days with a newborn.

Gabriela had a c-section and she was already moving around like a champ! Kevin was the sweetest, most attentive daddy, and little Jonathan was just the cutest little squish. He must have sucked his thumb in the womb because he was all about his hands and thumbs!

They went home the next day and I know they are already rocking this new-parent thing! The miracle of a new baby will never cease to amaze me. There is just so much love present in a new family and I feel so grateful to witness these exciting special moments with my clients!

Natural Light, Lifestyle Photography

Newborns | Babies | Children | Families | Couples

Proudly serving South Jersey, Greater Philadelphia, and the Jersey Shore

Cherry Hill | Marlton | Mt. Laurel | Medford | Haddonfield

Haddon Heights | Collingswood | Burlington | Main Line | Philadelphia

Ocean City | Ventnor | Margate | Long Beach Island | Cape May | Atlantic City

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